

Q: Listen Gordon, as far as talk goes, Sam check out 是什么意思?
A: ("Sam checks out")

It is not obvious, without the context, what they are talking about. But, given the rest of the conversation, it probably means "according to what people are saying, Sam is not involved in the bad activity".

"as far as [something] goes" means "regarding [something]"
"talk" refers to what people are saying (people who you may expect would know and reveal what you want to know)
"checks out" means "was examined for problems/danger and was determined to be good/safe"

KUBRICK is being swiped down with a metal detector, before he enters the prison visitors area. He sits down on the other side of a window in front of GORDON WALKER and picks up the two-way phone.

KUBRIK It's true. A Devil's Gate was opened in Wyoming. Big. St Helen's big.

KUBRIK There's no solid fix on how many demons got out, but it's in the hundreds. An army.

GORDON Sam Winchester was there. Wasn't he?

KUBRIK Talked to a guy who knows a guy who knows Bobby Singer, and yeah, it looks like the Winchesters were at ground zero when the gate was popped, but Singer said they went in there to stop it.

GORDON Mhn-mhn (shaking his head no). Bobby's edge ain't what it used to be. Sam could have him believing anything by now.

KUBRIK Listen Gordon, as far as talk goes? Sam Winchester checks out. He's a hunter, that's all.

GORDON That's all?


GORDON (Laughs) Kubrick, I'm not even sure he's human.

KUBRICK laughs nervously.

GORDON You think I'm crazy? I told you there was a war coming – six months ago. Take a look around. It's here. Now I'm telling you this boy is a part of it. Track him down, Kubrick. You'll come to see it too. Sam Winchester must die.

GORDON hangs up the phone.





