

Q: I have a niece. She's almost twelve. She and her mum, my cousin, live in neighbour town. Sometimes, and to be more exact seldom, they come to us. And my niece stays with us for a week.
When I haven't seen her for a long time, i miss her. But this week she stays with us i feel like...I feel myself tired. Of her. I'm unused to somebody lives with me, somebody sleeps with me. Somebody stays with me all the day! I'm going to buy something - somebody going with me and talking to me all the way, i'm clearing up - and somebody is under my feet all the time. I want to read something or to watch a film - somebody is here and chattering with me.
I'm tired of it, and i usually want she leaves us as soon as possible.
But when time is gone, I start to miss her again.....
Thanks for attention :) Is It okay? 听起来自然吗?




